AABB-Accredited Facility Biotherapies Services Spotlight Series February 2025: Carolina BioOncology Institute

AABB – 2/1/25

In 2005, John Powderly, MD, founded both CBOI and BioCytics as reflections of the same vision to deliver autologous immune cell therapies manufactured at the point of care for early phase clinical trials. He states that, “We believe the future of bespoke regenerative medicine depends upon regional human application labs as an efficient, affordable and accessible delivery system. Our recent AABB accreditation is another step closer to realizing our vision to enable future cellular immune cures for solid tumor cancer patients.”

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National Minority Quality Forum’s announces a collaboration with Carolina BioOncology Institute

NMQF By Adjoa Kyerematen – 10/24/24

NMQF, Carolina BioOncology, and BioCytics are collaborating to create a national registry and biorepository for CSSI, collecting critical clinical, genetic, and demographic data from 20 communities. This biorepository will support research on cancer risk factors, driving logistical changes to ease the development and deployment of new detection technologies and precision treatments. De-identified data will be accessible to researchers, helping ensure that advancements in cancer care reach underserved communities. The findings will be used to improve local cancer care logistics, advancing the Cancer Moonshot’s goal of reducing cancer mortality in these populations by addressing bottlenecks through a data-driven approach.

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Highlights from the September 9th Event: UNC Charlotte Dubois Center Through NCBiotech

The Center for Biomedical Engineering and Science – 9/9/24

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Featured Practice: Carolina BioOncology Institute & BioCytics Human Applications Lab

Charlotte Mag Content Studio – 7/1/24

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Expanding Cellular Therapies in a Community Setting: An Interview with Dr. John Powderly, II

Biomedical Sciences Symposium 2024 – 3/1/24

Dr. John Powderly II, Medical Oncologist, Certified Physician Investigator, and Founder and President of Carolina BioOncology Institute and BioCytics, realized early on in his medical career that he felt a strong passion for cellular therapies. As a 4th year medical student interning under the mentorship of immunotherapy pioneer Dr. Steven Rosenberg at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. Powderly first started working with cellular therapies in the mid-1990s and has since dedicated his career to this therapeutic area. Shortly after completing his oncology fellowship at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Dr. Powderly founded the Carolina BioOncology Institute (CBOI) in 2005 as a community-based clinic specializing in early phase immunotherapy and cellular therapy trials. Located in Charlotte, North Carolina, CBOI is the only independent phase I cancer center with cellular manufacturing capabilities on the east coast and serves as a regional hub for access to phase I trials in the community setting.

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Cancer immunotherapy patient living longer than expected

WCNC – 10/23/23

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