Clinical Lab Analysis
The capabilities of the Human Applications Lab are complemented by an in-house high-complexity clinical diagnostic laboratory. The clincal lab participates in the Commission on Office Laboratory Accreditation’s (COLA) program and maintains Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certification through Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The laboratory is enrolled in the American Proficiency Institute’s (API) proficiency testing program as part of its quality management system. The laboratory performs on site STAT and routine patient testing in three general disciplines.
Please view our clinical lab’s testing capabilities by specialty below:

- Complete blood count (CBC)
- Differential
- Reticulocyte count
- Peripheral smear

- Urine microscopy

- FDA-approved Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) enumeration
- SARS-CoV-2 antibody detection (IgG/IgM)
- SARS-CoV-2 antigen detection (RT-PCR)

- Comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP)

- Clinical biomarkers
- Companion diagnostics